Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Prince Peter of Serbia Renounces Succession Rights

Hereditary Prince Philip and his older brother Prince Peter during the renunciation.


On 27 April at Casa Pilatos in Seville, Prince Peter of Serbia renounced his right of succession to the Headship of the Royal House. Among others, Peter’s act of renunciation was witnessed by his mother the Duchess of Segorbe, his stepfather the Duke of Segorbe, his brother Prince Philip and his sister-in-law Princess Danica. Prince Peter has given up his dynastic rights as well as those of any children he may have in future. Philip and Danica, who live in Belgrade, are the new Hereditary Prince and Princess of Serbia.

Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia and Princess Maria da Glória of Orléans-Braganza on their wedding day.
Prince Regent Paul of Yugoslavia can be seen to the far right of the photograph.
The Royal Wedding of the Karageorgevich and Orléans-Braganza.
(left to right): Prince Juan Carlos of Spain, the Count of Paris, Princess Sofía of Spain with her children (Infante Felipe, Infanta Cristina, and Infanta Elena), the Countess of Barcelona, Princess Maria da Glória, Prince Alexander, Princess Anne, King Constantine of Greece (with his children Crown Prince Pavlos and Princess Alexia in the front), Infante Alfonso of Spain, and Queen Anne-Marie of Greece.
The newlyweds: Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Maria da Glória of Serbia.
The Chicago Tribune of 6 February 1980 heralds Prince Peter's arrival.

On 5 February 1980, the prince was born at Chicago, Illinois, as the first child of Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia (b.1945) and Princess Maria da Glória of Orléans-Braganza (b.1946). Alexander and Maria da Glória had married in 1972. Their infant son's name paid tribute to both the father and mother's fathers: King Peter II of Yugoslavia (1923 - 1970) and Prince Pedro Gastão of Orléans-Braganza (1913 - 2007). At his christening, Prince Peter received his cousin Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia (1924 - 2016), the only surviving son of Prince Regent Paul of Yugoslavia and Princess Olga (née Greece and Denmark), as his godfather.


Peter was followed by two younger brothers: the fraternal twin princes Philip and Alexander (b.1982). In 1985, the marriage of Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Maria da Glória ended in divorce. By the end of 1985, Peter and his brothers had gained a new stepmother and stepfather. In September 1985, Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia married Katherine Clairy Batis (b.1945) at the Orthodox Church in London. In October 1985, Princess Maria da Glória married don Ignacio de Medina y Fernández de Córdoba, 19th Duke of Segorbe (b.1947). Peter gained two sisters from his mother's second marriage: Sol (b.1986) and Luna (b.1988).

 Prince Peter of Serbia
Prince Peter graduated from The King’s School Canterbury in England. There the prince obtained three A levels in Art, French and Spanish. Peter then completed an art foundation course at the Camberwell College of Arts in London. The hereditary prince then pursued studies in graphic design at the Rhode Island School of Design. It is in this field that Prince Peter currently works as a graphic design professional.

Prince Peter of Serbia lives in Spain. Although all three reside in different countries, Peter is very close to his brothers Philip and Alexander.

Karađorđević Renunciation: Prince Mihailo Expresses Support for New Heir

Prince Mihailo and Hereditary Prince Philip with their families.

On his Instagram, Prince Mihailo of Serbia, a son of Prince Tomislav and a grandson of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia, has issued a statement showing his support for his first cousins once removed, the former Hereditary Prince Peter and the new Hereditary Prince Philip :

I fully support the decision of my cousin Peter to transfer his duties, rights and obligations to Filip. I deeply believe that Filip will give an exceptional contribution to our country, our people and our society with his life in Serbia and his efforts. Over the past years, I have had the opportunity to be convinced of Filip's sincere intentions and true concern for the progress of our people, in Serbia and abroad. Ljubica and I will continue, as before, to give our support to Filip and Danica in order to work together for the common good and progress.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Orthodox Christian Royals Celebrate the Resurrection of Christ

On Sunday, members of the Orthodox Christian royal families of Europe celebrated Pascha. 
Crown Princess Elia of Albania with her father and brother.
King Simeon II of Bulgaria.
Prince Philip and Princess Danica with their son Prince Stefan.


Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia.


Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and his wife Princess Victoria.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Femme Fatale: Belina de Valdeterrazo, Duchess of Montpensier

Born on 22 April 1895 at Madrid, Doña María Isabel "Belina" Josefina Teodora Magdalena González de Olañeta y Ibarreta was the only child of Don Ulpiano González de Olañeta y González de Ocampo (1847-1928), II Marqués de Valdeterrazo, and Doña Isabel Eugenia de Ibarretea y Uhagon (1856-1930), who wed in 1891. In Spain, and particularly Madrid, Isabel was known as "Belina Valdeterrazo."

Antonio González y González.
Belina's paternal grandparents were Don Antonio González y González, I Marqués de Valdeterrazo, and Doña María Josefa de Olañeta y Ocampo. Her maternal grandparents were Don Adolfo de Ibarretea and Doña Isabel de Uhagon y Vedia. 
The wedding of Ferdinand and Belina, 1921.
The Duke and Duchess of Montpensier in Paris, 1922.
Photo (c) Maurice-Louis Branger / Roger-Viollet / Granger.

On 20 August 1921 at Randan, Doña Isabel "Belina" González de Olañeta y Ibarreta, Vizcondesa de los Antrines, married Prince Ferdinand d'Orléans, Duke of Montpensier. The Duke of Montpensier was the youngest child of Prince Philippe d'Orléans, Count of Paris, and Infanta Maria Isabel of Spain. Their wedding was heavily attended by Ferdinand's family, particularly his sisters: Queen Marie Amélie of Portugal; Princess Hélène, Duchess of Aosta; and Princess Isabelle, Duchess of Guise, with her husband (and first cousin) Prince Jean, Duke of Guise, and their children Prince Henri and the Princesses Isabelle, Françoise, and Anne. Belina's parents were also present for the wedding of their only child. Shortly after their marriage, Belina apparently isolated Ferdinand from his family.

Prince Ferdinand.
Slightly after more than two years of marriage, the Duchess of Montpensier was left a widow. Prince Ferdinand, Duke of Montpensier, died at the age of thirty-nine at the Château de Randan on 30 January 1924. The cause of his passing was a drug overdose. The duke had long struggled with substance abuse. It has been alleged by some that Belina knew of his drug issue and that she weaponised this to her advantage. The Duchess of Montpensier is believed, by some family members of the duke, to have withheld drugs from her husband until Ferdinand made a will leaving his fortune to her. Ferdinand's previous heir had been his brother, the Duke d'Orléans and Head of the Royal House of France at the time. Whether or not this is true, upon the Duke of Montpensier's death, it was discovered that he had left all of his worldly possessions, including the Château de Randan, to Belina. Prince Ferdinand was buried at Dreux.
The ruins of Randan.
On 25 July 1925, the Château de Randan caught fire and the treasures it contained inside were consumed by the flames. Madame Adélaïde, a sister of King Louis-Philippe, had overseen the restoration of the ancient castle. The Dowager Duchess of Montpensier had only recently decided to reopen the château after having left it following the death of her husband. Belina had been in residence at Randan for only two days before a fire broke out at 5am in the Chinese room of the château. The duchess, along with a friend, were able to easily leave Randan. Belina even directed firefighters once they arrived on the scene; it took them nearly fifteen hours to put out the blaze. 
José María de Huarte.

On 12 October 1948 at Vitoria, the Dowager Duchess of Montpensier secretly married José María de Huarte y Jáuregui (1898-1969). In 1949, the duchess changed her will and left half of the inheritance she had received from the Duke of Montpensier to her second husband, Huarte, and the other half to one Socorro Uhagon y Mazas; three executors were named: José María de Huarte y Jáuregui, his brother Angel de Huarte y Jáuregui and the Marqués de Goicorrotea.

Belina in 1952, Madrid.

Doña Isabel González de Olañeta y Ibarreta, III Marquésa de Valdeterrazo, died of a heart attack on 11 July 1958 at her home in Madrid. She was sixty-three years-old. Prince Michael of Greece recalls being with his grandmother the Duchess of Guise (who had been Belina's sister-in-law) when the duchess received news of Belina's death. The Duchess of Guise quipped: "Well, Bellina has died due to her heart. I did not know she had one.

To read Prince Michael of Greece's recollections, please check out his post: Tante Bellina

30 Years Since the Death of Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia

Today marks the passage of thirty years since the death of Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia.

The grand duke in Miami.

In January 1992, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich received an invitation to give a speech at the Northern Trust Bank of Florida, located in Miami. The address was to be given by the grand duke following a breakfast and before around 1,500 guests from the business community. Northern Trust Bank had asked His Imperial Highness to speak about "The Imperial Family and the Future of the Russians." The grand duke initially declined the invitation, but later accepted as he felt that it was important for the United States and Europe to invest in former Soviet states, as well as to provide them economic assistance to assist their transition out of Communism. The grand duke decided that it was his patriotic duty as a Russian to agree to the trip given the large number of influential business persons who would be in attendance. Therefore, preparations for this transatlantic visit were made. Grand Duke Vladimir and his wife Grand Duchess Leonida arrived in Miami on Monday, 20 April. The couple were accompanied by their friends, Prince Nicholas and Princess Nelly Ouroussoff, who flew in from Paris; the princess acted as a lady-in-waiting to the grand duchess during the trip. Brien Horan, the attorney of the grand duke, arrived on the evening of 20 April in Miami from Connecticut. The small imperial entourage stayed at the Omni International Hotel.  

Grand Duke Vladimir speaking with reporters, 21 April 1992.

On the morning of Tuesday, 21 April, Grand Duke Vladimir and Grand Duchess Leonida were joined by Prince and Princess Ouroussoff and Mr Horan in their suite for a working breakfast. They discussed the itinerary for the trip and caught up on personal news. At 10:15am, grand ducal couple and their retinue left the Omni and got into a limousine to take them to the Northern Trust Bank, where they arrived at 10:40am. A press conference was on the schedule for the grand duke this morning. Two journalists from the Miami Herald and Miami Today interviewed the grand duke. Grand Duke Vladimir told them: "I am now happier now than I ever was before because of the possibility of being in contact with my homeland. To be on one's own soil with one's own people is the greatest thing one can ask in life." The grand duke then walked into an adjourning conference room at 11:00am to meet with the other gathered journalists. The press conference commenced; the first several questions were posed to Grand Duke Vladimir in Spanish, which he answered in the same language, as it was one of the five languages in which he was fluent. The grand duke stated: "What I hope is that the youth of Russia, who have suffered so long under the yoke of Communism, will return to the monarchy. I hope that they will join together for a brighter future for all Russians." Reporter Ariel Remos of the Diario Las Americas recalled that the grand duke was speaking on the current situation in Russia: "These young people who live under the communist yoke think naturally of what Russia was before, and look for the possibility to unite again the prosperous past with a future that will be prosperous also." Seconds after giving this reply, Grand Duke Vladimir slumped over, unconscious; he was then moved from his chair to the floor and CPR commenced. It was about 11:20am. 

Paramedics take Grand Duke Vladimir to a waiting ambulance. His wife, Grand Duchess Leonida, can be seen at the left.

An emergency crew arrived to transport the grand duke to hospital. His Imperial Highness was transported to Mercy Hospital. Dr Jose Centurion worked for almost two hours attempting, ultimately unsuccessfully, to revive the grand duke. Sister Elizabeth Worley, the chairman of Mercy Hospital's board of trustees, provided Grand Duchess Leonida with some comfort by keeping journalists at bay. An Orthodox priest was called to the hospital to administer the last rites. Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia, Head of the Imperial House, was pronounced dead at 1:54pm. A rupture of an artery in his abdomen was the cause of death. The grand duke was seventy-four years-old.

Prince Nicholas Ouroussoff delivers the grand duke's speech. Photo (c) Marice Cohn Band.

Just widowed, Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna made the decision that Prince Ouroussoff should deliver her husband's speech the following day. This had, after all, been the reason that the grand duke had for making this trip to the United States of America: to make its people and those who might read his speech more aware of the situation in Russia and the needs of its people after the fall of Communism. On Wednesday, 22 April, Grand Duchess Leonida joined Mr Brien Horan and Prince Ouroussoff at 8:00am. Mr Horan introduced the prince to the over one thousand guests. They had originally hoped to hear his words directly from the grand duke, who had written the address some days beforehand. This particular segment of the grand duke's words were particularly poignant: "My wife, my daughter, and my grandson and I are Russians. We wish to participate and contribute in any way possible, whether official or unofficial, public or private, to the progress of our country. We all thank God that our country has been delivered from communism, and we are also grateful that this long and involuntary exile is ending." Prince  Ouroussoff was overcome with emotion several times while delivering the address of his late friend.

Monday, April 18, 2022

The 30th Birthday of Princess Sophie Napoléon!

Princess Sophie and companion attend the wedding of her brother Prince Jean-Christophe, 2019.

Today, Princess Sophie Napoléon celebrates her thirtieth birthday!

Prince Charles with his daughter Princess Sophie. Photo (c) Getty Images / Benoit Gysembergh.
Princess Jeanne Françoise, Prince Charles, and their daughter Princess Sophie. Photo (c) Getty Images / Benoit Gysembergh.

Born on 18 April 1992 at Paris, Princess Sophie Cathérine Napoléon is the first daughter of Prince Charles Napoléon (b.1950) and his second wife Jeanne Françoise Valliccionni (b.1958), who married in 1996. Sophie has two older siblings from her father's first marriage to Princess Béatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies: Princess Caroline (b.1980; married Eric Quérénet-Onfroy de Breville) and Prince Jean-Christophe (b.1986; married Countess Olympia of Arco-Zinneberg). Sophie has one younger sister, Princess Anh ( Vietnam 1998), whom the family adopted when Anh was a baby. 

Our best wishes to the Princess on her birthday!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

An Engagement in the Princely House of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg

Hereditary Prince Ludwig zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg has recently become engaged to Helene von Pezold.
Born in 1994, Prince Ludwig Hubertus Alfred-Ernst Sebastian Carl Roman zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg is the third child and only son of Fürst Ludwig zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (b.1951) and Countess Elisabeth von Waldburg-Wolfegg-Waldsee (b.1962). Ludwig has two older sisters: Princess Sophie (married to Count Constantn Fugger von Babenhausen) and Princess Amelie (married to Benedikt Schmid von Schmidfelden).
Born in 1995, Helene von Pezold is the third of four daughters of Kilian von Pezold (b.1964) and Countess Christina zu Solms-Laubach (b.1962). Helene's sisters are Johanna, Sophia, and Pauline. 
Ludwig and Helene are third cousins once removed. Their common ancestors are Prince Alfred zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (1855-1925) and Countess Pauline von Reichenbach-Lessonitz (1858-1927).
Our congratulations to the happy couple on their engagement!


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