Showing posts with label Celebrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrations. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The 90th Birthday of Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria


Tsar Simeon and Princess Marie Louise.
Photo (c) Paraskeva Georgieva.

Last Friday, on 13 January, Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria celebrated her ninetieth birthday in the capital of her homeland, Sofia. She arrived for the event together with her sons Prince Karl-Boris and Prince Hermann zu Leiningen, her daughter Princess Alexandra von Kohary with her husband Jorge Champalimaud Raposo de Magalhães and their children, as well as her son Pawel Chrobok, Prince von Kohary. On the occasion of Princess Marie Louise’s birthday, a thanksgiving prayer service was held in the St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral., which she personally attended, accompanied by King Simeon II. In addition to her children, the Royal Family included Princess Kalina, her husband Kitin-Muñoz and Prince Simeon-Hasan. Unfortunately, Queen Margarita was unable to return from Madrid, where she is recovering from hip joint surgery.

Princess Marie Louise.
Photo (c) Paraskeva Georgieva.

During the duration of the service, Plovdiv Metropolitan Nikolai addressed the following remarks to the princess and those present in the church:

Your Royal Highness,

On the day of your birth, 21 cannon salutes were fired over the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, and a thousand people gathered to express the joy of the entire nation that God has blessed the Royal Family, and thus our country, with a child. Two days later, you received Holy Baptism and were accepted into the fold of the Holy Orthodox Church. The blessed Metropolitan Stefan and later Bulgarian Exarch baptized you, and your Godfather is the chair of the National Assembly Alexander Malinov. Let me say one more time, in order to understand the significance of the state act – the head of the church baptized you and you were accepted from the holy font by the entire Bulgarian people in the person of the highest representative of the legislative body. From the moment of your birth and your baptism, you have been in the embrace of the Bulgarian Church and the Bulgarian people, and I assure you that this is still the case to this day.

I will not dwell on the difficulties you have gone through in your life. The fact that you lost your father so young, together with your brother, His Majesty Simeon II, is sad and should not happen to any child. The fact that soon after you and your family were expelled from your homeland is a consequence of the historical vicissitudes to which our entire people fell victim. We regret and suffer with you, but unfortunately, history is what it is. We cannot change it, but we must remember it.

I, for example, remember how you were welcomed in Sofia in 1991, when you, as the first member of the Royal Family, set foot on your Motherland again. In Plovdiv, they still have an unforgettable memory of your visit with your blessed mother, Her Majesty Queen Mother Giovanna. These thousands of rallies, these ovations and tears in the eyes especially of the older Bulgarians, your peers, may have redeemed even a little of the bitterness you suffered. Surely the people’s love for you and your family, which was shown then and was shown many times later, convinced you that Bulgaria considers you its daughter, flesh of the flesh and blood of the blood of the people.

You certainly have many merits and achievements in your life, first of all your children and family. From the point of view of the Bulgarian statehood, a huge merit of yours is that during all these years, in exile and in our country, you have steadfastly stood by your brother, His Majesty the King of the Bulgarians and modestly, quietly, sometimes imperceptibly to the general public, but you firmly and steadfastly support it. We know very well what His Majesty did for the Bulgarian state and for the Bulgarian people, about the extent to which his personal authority and efforts made it possible for Bulgaria to once again be an integral part of the family of European nations. We will never forget what His Majesty did for the Bulgarian Orthodox Church by helping to overcome the unfortunate schism. Every person, and especially the statesman, when he has to make difficult and responsible decisions, needs to ask his close people, his family and his brothers or sisters, from whom he can seek support and advice. His Majesty has mentioned more than once how close you are to his heart. We are sure that just as in decisive moments he relied on the advice of his wife, Her Majesty Queen Margarita and his family, so he also turned to you for advice. Moreover, you have always given him good advice and sincere support as a loving sister. I am sure he has thanked you for your devotion not once. We also thank you, because your love and your devotion to your royal brother is an expression of your love for the Bulgarians and for Bulgaria, of which your family, in two historical periods, was the personification, and for the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, because of the Divine character of royal power, for which will always be God’s mercy and blessing.

In conclusion, I want to share a small but very important detail of your personal history, which, when I learned it, moved me greatly. Your aunt Princess Eudoxia, sister of O’Bose, the late King Boris III, bequeathed you her personal prayer book, on the first page of which was written “To Marie-Louise, who speaks to God in Bulgarian.” You lived in a foreign language environment. You spoke to God in Bulgarian! This is not just beautiful, in these gestures lies the true dignity of people of royal blood. Those who, even in exile, far from the Motherland, if they feel the need to turn to God, turn to him only and only in their native language. Because God wanted their personal destiny to be woven into the destiny of their Motherland, which is actually the Divine meaning of history.

My request to you is – as, of course, I wish you many more years of health and life – that you also give your children and nephews, not as a bequest, but from now on, a Bulgarian prayer book and write on it the words of Your aunt: “… talk to God in Bulgarian”. Invite them to pray together every day with one humble prayer for the Bulgarian people and for Bulgaria, as we are sure that you say it. For that Bulgaria, which has loved you since the day you were born and which is in such great need of this prayer today.

Your Royal Highness!

It was God’s will that you welcome and celebrate your blessed 90th anniversary in the Motherland! Allow me, on behalf of His Holiness the Bulgarian Patriarch Neophyte and my Most Eminent fellow synodal metropolitans, the most consecrated bishops and clergy, to wish you many more years blessed with health, strength and spiritual joys!

May God help you, may God protect you, Your Royal Highness, and grant you, your children and loved ones many and happy years.

King Boris with his two children, Princess Maria Luisa and Crown Prince Simeon.
Photo (c) Bulgarian Royal House.

Born on 13 January 1933 at Sofia, Princess Maria Luisa of Bulgaria was the first child of King Boris III of Bulgaria (1894-1943) and his wife Queen Ioanna (1907-2000; née Princess Giovanna of Savoy), who had married in 1930. The princess was joined by a brother, Crown Prince (and later King) Simeon, in 1937.

Prince Karl zu Leiningen and Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria, 1957.

Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria married Prince Karl Vladimir Ernst Heinrich zu Leiningen in a civil ceremony on 14 February 1957 in Amorbach; this was followed by a religious ceremony on 20 February 1957 at the Russian Orthodox Church in Nice. Prince Karl zu Leiningen (1928-1990) was the son of Fürst Karl zu Leiningen and Grand Duchess Maria Kirillovna of Russia, the daughter of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna. Karl and Marie Louise had two sons: Prince Boris (b.1960) and Prince Herman (b.1963). The couple divorced on 4 December 1968.

Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria and Bronislaw Chrobok, 1969.

On 16 November 1969 at Toronto, Canada, Princess Maria Luisa married Bronislaw Chrobok (b.1933). The son of a Polish officer, at the outset of the Second World War, his family settled in London, where Bronislaw graduated from college. The marriage ceremony was conducted by the prominent professor of Theology, Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann. The couple’s best man at the marriage was Stefan Grouef, the son of the Royal Chancellory Office head Pavel Grouev. Marie Louise and Bronislaw had two children, Alexandra (b.1970) and Pawel-Alistair (b.1972).

Our belated best wishes to the Princess on her birthday!

Friday, October 7, 2022

The 70th Birthday of Princess Laure Napoléon

Princess Laure with her dog on the shores of Lake Geneva.


Louis and Alix with their children (left to right) Catherine, Laure, Jérôme, and Charles.

Today, Princess Laure Napoléon celebrates her seventieth birthday!

The Prince and Princess Napoléon with their four children, 1969.

Born on 8 October 1952 at Paris, Princess Laure Clémentine Geneviève Napoléon was the third child and second daughter of Prince Louis Napoléon (1914-1997), Head of the Imperial House of Bonaparte, and his wife Princess Alix (b.1926; née de Foresta), who wed in 1949. Laure's middle names come from her paternal and maternal grandmothers, Princess Clémentine of Belgium and Geneviève Fredet. Laure joined two older siblings, the twins Prince Charles (b.1950; married 1st Princess Béatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies; married 2nd Jeanne Françoise Valliccionni) and Princess Catherine (b.1950; married 1st Nicolò San Martino d'Agliè dei Marchesi di Fontanetto; married 2nd Jean-Claude Dualé), and Laure was followed by a younger brother, Prince Jérôme (b.1957; married Licia Innocenti). The princess was raised at the family home in Prangins, Switzerland. On 23 December 1982 at Grenoble, Princess Laure married Jean-Claude Lecomte (1948-2009). The couple had one son, Clément Louis Lecomte (b.1995). In 2005, the princess attended the funeral of her cousin Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxembourg along with her brother Prince Jérôme.

Princess Laure at her christening, November 1952.

Our best wishes to the Princess on her birthday!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The 60th Birthday of the Earl of St Andrews, Future Duke of Kent

Edward and Katharine with their son George, July 1962.

On 26 June 1962, George Philip Nicholas Windsor, Earl of St Andrews, was born at the family home of Coppins in Iver, Buckinghamshire. George was the first child of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, who had married in 1961. At the time of his birth, the Earl of St Andrews was tenth in the line of succession to the British throne. He was also the first male-line member of the extended British royal house to not be born with a princely title; it was noted at the time of his birth that the Earl of St Andrews would become the first non-royal Duke of Kent whenever the time came for him to succeed to the title. The newest addition to the Kent branch of the Royal Family weighed 6 1/4 lbs. 

The statement released from Coppins following his arrival read: "Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent was safely delivered of a son at three o'clock this afternoon. Both the Duchess and her child are well. [signed] John H. Pell." Indeed, Sir John Pell, the gynaecologist of HM Queen Elizabeth II, led the team of doctors who attended the Duchess of Kent at the birth. 

The Earl of St Andrews was christened in the music room at Buckingham Palace on 14 September 1962. George received as godparents: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; Princess Alexandra, Mrs Angus Ogilvy; Mr Oliver Worsley; and Lady Lily Serena Lumley. The christening of the Earl of St Andrews was officiated by Dr A M Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury; the little earl wore the christening robe of Honiton lace worn by Queen Victoria's children, as well as by the earl's late grandfather George and his father Edward. In addition to the Duke and Duchess of Kent, the attendees included The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen Mother, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Princess Marina Duchess of Kent, Princess Mary the Princess Royal, Princess Alexandra, Prince Michael of Kent, Prince Paul and Princess Olga of Yugoslavia, Sir William Worsley and Lady Worsley, Mr and Mrs Marcus Worsley, and Mr Oliver Worsley. A reception was held afterward at Kensington Palace. 

Our best wishes to the Earl of St Andrews on his birthday!

Friday, June 3, 2022

The 20th Birthday of Prince Tirso of Bulgaria

Today, Prince Tirso of Bulgaria celebrates his twentieth birthday!

Born on 3 June 2002 at Hospital de La Paz in Madrid, Prince Tirso of Bulgaria is the third son and youngest child of Prince Kubrat of Bulgaria and Princess Carla (née Royo-Villanova y Urrestarazu). Tirso joined two elder brothers: Prince Mirko (b.1995) and Prince Lucas (b.1997). Prince Tirso is a grandson of King Simeon II and Queen Margarita of Bulgaria.

Our best wishes to the Prince on his birthday!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Braganzas attend Independence Day Celebrations for East Timor

The Duchess of Coimbra and the Duke of Bragança.

Over the weekend, the Head of the Royal House of Portugal and his daughter traveled to East Timor to commemorate the twenty years of independence of East Timor. Dom Duarte Pio and Infanta Maria Francesca were present in Dili for the celebrations. The Duke of Braganza was a major supporter and campaigner for the independence of East Timor (Timor-Leste), a former Portuguese colony that was annexed by Indonesia in 1975. The country received its independence on 20 May 2002.

Friday, April 29, 2022

The 85th Birthday of the Duke de Sabran

The duke and duchess de Sabran.
Photo (c) Getty Images / Bertrand Rindoff Petroff.


Today, the 8th Duc de Sabran celebrates his eighty-fifth birthday!


Born on 30 April 1937 at Villecresnes, Charles Élzéar Marie Joseph Adrien de Sabran-Pontevès was the first child of Foulques, 7th Duc de Sabran (1908-1973) and Roselyne Manca-Amat de Vallambrosa (1910-1988). Roselyne, duchesse de Sabran, was a close friend of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco. Élzéar had four younger siblings: Jean Henri (1939-2017; married Marie Isabelle Decazes de Glücksbierg), Géraud (1940-1941), Gersende (b.1942; married Prince Jacques, Duc d'Orléans), and Vicomte Géraud de Sabran (b.1943; married Stéphanette Fabre). Élzéar became the 8th duc de Sabran following the death of his father in 1973. Élzéar found his career in business and is the owner of the Château d'Ansouis.

Élzéar and Dewi Sukarno with her daughter Kartika, December 1977.
Photo (c) Reginald Davis of The Australian Women's Weekly.

In December 1977, Élzéar de Sabran-Pontevès alluded to his upcoming engagement to Naoko Nemoto (b.1940; aka Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno), one of the wives and subsequent widows of Sukarno, the first President of Indonesia. The French duke and the widow of the Indonesian leader had been seeing one another since 1975. Élzéar was forty years-old and described as being "very good looking and rather shy" as well as having "the figure of an athlete and a young man's exuberance." It was stated that the couple would officially announce their betrothal early in 1978. Élzéar, by then Duc de Sabran, commented: "It has been impossible for Dewi and me to get any time together. We simply never get away from people. That is why we are leaving Paris and taking a holiday visiting Japan and the places Dewi knows and loves. It will be nice for me to see these places. Dewi knows my world well - and apparently likes it. Now I must know hers. It will be a quiet visit. I am fascinated by the Orient, and I want to see as much as I can on this holiday. I am not a member of the jet set. I do not travel a lot. When I travel, I would rather see a lot of the country and learn something of its culture." The duke shared that he and Madame Sukarno shared a passion for historical preservation, particularly of the Château d'Ansouis. "I take care of the outside, and Dewi has been in charge of the restoration of the first and second floors. We love d'Ansouis. It is part of my life and something to return to. There is nothing new, nothing brash at d'Ansouis. Nothing we have not lived with for generations." For reasons unknown, the Duc de Sabran and Madame Dewi Sukarno never married. 

The duke and duchess de Sabran, 2001.
Photo (c) Getty Images / Bertrand Rindoff Petroff.

In 1997, the Duc de Sabran married Dubravka "Douchka" Cizmek (b.1946) at Versailles. The couple were religiously married at the Château d'Ansouis in 1999. Élzéar and Dubravka, Duke and Duchess de Sabran, welcomed the arrival of their only child, a daughter Delphine, in 2001.

Our best wishes to the Duke on his birthday!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Orthodox Christian Royals Celebrate the Resurrection of Christ

On Sunday, members of the Orthodox Christian royal families of Europe celebrated Pascha. 
Crown Princess Elia of Albania with her father and brother.
King Simeon II of Bulgaria.
Prince Philip and Princess Danica with their son Prince Stefan.


Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia.


Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and his wife Princess Victoria.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The 90th Birthday of Dowager Fürstin Wilhelmine von Khevenhüller-Metsch


Today, Dowager Fürstin Wilhelmine von Khevenhüller-Metsch celebrates her ninetieth birthday!

Wilhelmine's parents: Lazarus and Franziska.

Born on 16 March 1932 at Naklo, Countess Marie Wilhelmina Josefina Theresia Franziska Georgia Henckel von Donnersmarck was the third child and second daughter of Count Lazarus "Lazy" Henckel von Donnersmarck (1902-1991) and Countess Franziska von Eltz (1905-1997), who wed in 1927. Wilhemine had four siblings: Count Carl Josef (1928-2008; married 1stly to Princess Marie Adelaide Pss of Luxemburg; married 2ndly to Claire Regina Barclay-Hoess), Countess Elisabeth (b.1929; married Count Ernst von Waldstein-Wartenberg), Count Heinrich (1935-2005), and Count Winfried (b.1938; married Christine von Arnim). 

Wilhemine and Maximilian on their wedding day.
Photo (c) Keystone Press Agency/Keystone USA via

On 19 January 1956 at Munich, Countess Wilhelmine Henckel von Donnersmarck married Count (later Fürst) Maximilian "Max" von Khevenhüller-Metsch (1919-2010). The couple had met the previous year. They honeymooned in Paris before settling in Madrid, were Max lived. Max and Wilhelmine had six children: Fürst Johannes (1956-2020; married Donna Camilla Borghese dei Principi di Nettuno), Count Bartholomäus (b.1958; married Cristina Sanchez de Movellán y Garcia Ogara), Count Karl (b.1959; married Lelia Gailly de Taurines), Count Georg (b.1960; married Countess Stephanie zu Castell-Castell), and Countess Melanie (b.1967; married Count Hubertus von Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldersee), and Countess Isabel (b.1972; married Count Florian von Hartig).

Our best wishes to the Dowager Fürstin on her birthday!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

the 85th birthday of prince karl of Hesse

Prince Karl of Hesse (1937-2022), Nephew of the Duke of Edinburgh
On 23 March 2022, Prince Karl of Hesse died in Munich. He was eighty-four years-old. The prince was a nephew of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Princess Sophie of Greece and Prince Christoph of Hesse.

Born on 26 March 1937 at Berlin, Prince Karl Adolf Andreas of Hesse was the first son and third child of Prince Christoph of Hesse (1901-1943) and Princess Sophie of Greece and Denmark (1914-2001), who wed in 1930. Christoph and Sophie were second cousins once removed twice over; their common ancestor in the first case was Landgrave Wilhelm of Hesse-Kassel and their common ancestor in the second case was Queen Victoria. Prince Karl had four full siblings: Princess Christina (1933-2011; married 1st to Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia; married 2nd to Robert van Eyck), Princess Dorothea (b.1934; married Prince Friedrich Karl zu Windisch-Grätz), Prince Rainer (b.1939), and Princess Clarissa (b.1944; married Claude Jean Derrien). 

The family of Princess Sophie.
Front row: Princess Christina of Hesse, Prince Welf of Hanover, Princess Sophie with Princess Friederike, Prince Georg of Hanover, and Princess Clarissa of Hesse.
Back row: Prince Rainer of Hesse, Princess Dorothea of Hesse, Prince Georg Wilhelm, and Prince Karl of Hesse.
In 1946, three years after being widowed, Karl's mother Sophie married Prince Georg Wilhelm of Hannover (1915-2006). Both descendants of Queen Victoria through another line, Sophie and Georg Wilhelm were second cousins; their common ancestor was King Christian IX of Denmark. From this marriage, Karl gained three half-siblings: Prince Welf (1947-1981; married Wibke van Gunsteren), Prince Georg (b.1949; married Victoria Bee), and Princess Friederike (b.1954; married Jerry William Cyr).
Princess Alice of Greece and the Duke of Edinburgh arriving at the wedding of Prince Karl.
Karl and Yvonne of Hesse on their wedding day.
The prince and princess on their wedding day.
On 26 March 1966 at The Hague, Prince Karl of Hesse civilly married Countess Yvonne Szapáry von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár on the prince's twenty-ninth birthday. The couple were religiously wed on 18 April at St. Jacobs Kerk. Among others, their nuptials were attended by King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie of Greece, Princess Alice of Greece, the Duke of Edinburgh, Fürstin Margarita zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Margravine Theodora of Baden, Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia, Prince Juan Carlos and Princess Sofía of Spain, and Princess Irene of Greece.
Baroness Ursula von Richthofen with bridesmaids on her wedding day in 1933 to her first husband.
Photo (c) Getty Images.
Princess Yvonne (b.1944) was the only child of Count Béla von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár (1901-1993) and Baroness Ursula von Richthofen (1907-2002; married 1stly to Godert Willem, Baron de Vos van Steenwijk). Princess Yvonne of Hesse is a fourth cousin of Princess Michael of Kent (née Baroness Marie Christine von Reibnitz); their common ancestors are Count József von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár (1754-1822) and Countess Johanna von Gatterburg (1779-1812).

Prince Karl of Hesse with his daughter Princess Irina at her wedding, 1999.
Photograph (c) Seeger-Presse
Prince Karl and Princess Yvonne had two children: Prince Christoph (b.1969) and Princess Irina (b.1971). In 1999, Princess Irina married Count Alexander von Schönburg-Glauchau (b.1969), the brother of Fürstin Gloria von Thurn und Taxis.
May the Prince Rest in Peace.

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