Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and D. Duarte, Duke of Bragança, Exchange Dynastic Orders

The Duke of Bragança, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia
Tsaritsyno Palace, 21 November 2019
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House

This evening (21 Nov.) at Tsaritsyno Palace in Moscow, Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and Dom Duarte, Duke of Bragança, participated in an exchange of dynastic orders. Grand Duke George of Russia was also present.

The Head of the Russian Imperial House and Her August Heir
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
The Duke of Bragança, Grand Duke George of Russia, and Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
Grand Duchess Maria gave the Duke of Bragança the Imperial Order of St. Andrew the First-Called; the grand duchess also awarded the Imperial Order of St. Alexander Nevsky to the eldest child of the duke, D. Afonso, Prince of Beira (who was not present). On his side, the Duke of Bragança gave the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa to Grand Duke George of Russia. In 2003, when the grand duchess visited Portugal to celebrate the Royal House of Bragança's 600th anniversary, the Duke of Bragança gave Grand Duchess Maria of Russia the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Saint Michael of the Wing. 

The Duke of Bragança presents Grand Duke George with the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
This dynastic affair was part of a wider event. Grand Duchess Maria of Russia was presiding over a larger ceremony wherein she granted orders to Catholicos Karekin II of All Armenians (Head of the Armenian Apostolic Church) and Matthew Festing, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta from 2008-2017, among others. This investiture ceremony was initiated by the World Russian People’s Council with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill.

The Braganzas and Romanovs Meet in Moscow

Grand Duke George of Russia and the Duke of Braganza at the Portuguese Embassy to Russia in Moscow
The Duke of Braganza, Head of the Royal House of Portugal, and Grand Duke George of Russia, the Heir to the Head of the Imperial House of Russia, met today in Moscow. They spent time both at the Portuguese Embassy to Russia in Moscow and later at dinner. The modern Braganzas and Romanovs have strong ties: D. Duarte, Duke of Braganza, and Grand Duchess Maria of Russia are good friends.
The Duke of Braganza (b.1945) and Grand Duke George of Russia (b.1981) are fourth cousins twice removed. They are both descendants of Fürst Karl Ludwig zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1762-1825) and his wife Countess Amalie zu Solms-Baruth (1768-1847). Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza, is related to Grand Duke George through the latter's father, Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia (b.1943). 
D. Duarte, Duke of Braganza, attended the wedding of Grand Duke George of Russia's parents in 1976. Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, George's mother, attended the wedding of the Duke of Braganza and D. Isabel de Herédia in 1995. 
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

An Update on Princess Marie-Christine: L'Enfant Terrible of the Belgian Royal Family

Segments of the Belgian press have recently reported on the whereabouts of Princess Marie-Christine of Belgium, one of the most infamous (though now less-well-known) members of the royal family. Marie-Christine was born in 1951 as the second child and eldest daughter of King Léopold III of the Belgians (1901-1983) and his second wife Mary Lilian Baels (1916-2002; created Princess de Réthy).  As such, Marie-Christine (who sometimes goes by her middle name: Daphné) is the half-sister of King Albert II of the Belgians (b.1934) and the late Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxembourg (1928-2005; née Belgium) and King Baudouin of the Belgians (1930-1993); these three were the children of Léopold III and his first wife Queen Astrid (1905-1935; née Sweden).
Since 1980, Princess Marie-Christine of Belgium has lived in the United States of America. She now is a resident of Sequim, Washington; the town has a population of less than 7,000 people. The princess resides there with her second husband, Jean-Paul Gourgues; the couple celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary on 28 September of this year.
The only member of Marie-Christine's family to remain in contact with her is Princess Marie-Esmeralda (b.1956), Marie-Christine's only full sister. In regards to her sister, Esmeralda has stated: "Marie-Christine does not want any more contact. Not with the family, not with the friends of the past. It is her choice. She says she has a new life. This situation has been going on for three or four years now. It makes me sad, but I respect her decision. I tried, but she really does not want anything else. I cannot force her. "
Princess Marie-Christine of Belgium and her first husband Paul Druker (1981) Photograph (c) UPC
Marie-Christine has been estranged from the Belgian royal family for most of her adult life; the princess did not attend the funerals of her parents or of her brother Prince Alexandre (1942-2009). She had a difficult relationship with her mother, the Princess de Réthy, who was a rather strong character. In 1981, Princess Marie-Christine was very briefly married to Canadian Paul Druker (1937-2008). In 1989, the princess married her second husband Jean-Paul, a native of Bordeaux. Source: Marie-Christine de Belgique, «la princesse disparue», retrouvée: la tante du roi Philippe vit dans un village isolé en Amérique!
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Duke of York To Withdraw From Royal Duties

The BBC is reporting that the Duke of York will be either scaling back or withdrawing from royal duties. The Prince Andrew is widely considered to have given a disastrous interview to BBC Newsnight over the weekend, during which the prince discussed his relationship with the late Jeffrey Epstein.
The Duke of York has also released a public statement: "It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family's work and the valuable work going on in the many organisations and charities that I am proud to support. Therefore, I have asked Her Majesty if I may step back from public duties for the foreseeable future, and she has given her permission. I continue to unequivocally regret my ill-judged association with Jeffrey Epstein. His suicide has left many unanswered questions, particularly for his victims, and I deeply sympathise with everyone who has been affected and wants some form of closure. I can only hope that, in time, they will be able to rebuild their lives. Of course, I am willing to help any appropriate law enforcement agency with their investigations, if required."
Source: Prince Andrew scaling back on royal duties
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The 10th Birthday of the Dauphin: Prince Gaston of France

The Royal Family of France (left to right) The Count of Paris, Princess Louise-Marguerite, Princess Antoinette, Prince Joseph, Prince Gaston, the Countess of Paris with Princess Jacinthe Photograph (c) David Nivière
The Royal House of France has released a series of photographs to mark the tenth birthday of Prince Gaston of France (b.Paris 19 November 2009). The pictures were taken at the Chateau d'Amboise and in Paris. Prince Gaston is shown with his parents, the Count and Countess of Paris, and his four siblings: Princess Antoinette, Princess Louise-Marguerite, Prince Joseph, and Princess Jacinthe.
The Count of Paris and Prince Gaston Photograph (c) David Nivière
Les Fils de France Photograph (c) David Nivière
Prince Gaston with his only brother Prince Joseph Photograph (c) David Nivière 
Prince Gaston Photograph (c) David Nivière
Source: Point de Vue: Gaston de France, portrait d'un jeune prince épanoui Le prince Gaston de France a 10 ans aujourd’hui
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Friday, November 15, 2019

Watch Here: The Duke Of York Grants Interview To BBC About Friendship With Jeffrey Epstein

As you can watch at the link above, the Duke of York gave an interview to Emily Maitlis about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and the allegations against him. It was broadcast on BBC Newsnight this evening. The duke denied any knowledge of anything untoward regarding Epstein, and the duke denied that he himself had done anything wrong in regards to the accusations that have been made about his own conduct. Suffice to say, now would be a great time for Prince Andrew to remove himself from royal roles and public life.

The Great-Grandchildren of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita Who Have Taken Religious Orders

Monseigneur Dominique Rey, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, at the ordination of Brother Johannes Photograph (c) Point de Vue/Luc Castel
Photograph (c) Nicolas Buttet
Four members of the Austrian Imperial Family became priests, brothers, and a sister in the same religious order within the past year: the added twist is that they are all siblings. The most prominent of these is Archduke Johannes of Austria (b.1981). He become a priest in June 2018. Johannes is the third child and second son of Archduke Rudolf of Austria (b.1950) and his wife Archduchess Marie Hélène (b.1954; née Baroness de Villenfagne de Vogelsanck). Johannes is a grandson of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria (1918-2007) and his wife Archduchess Yolande (b.1923; née Ligne). Archduchess Yolande is one of the three remaining daughters-in-law of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita; the others are Archduchess Margherita (b.1930; née Savoy-Aosta), the widow of Archduke Robert (1915-1996), and Archduchess Anna-Gabriele (b.1940; née Wrede), the widow and second wife of Archduke Rudolph (1919-2010).
Archduke Johannes of Austria formerly worked as a banker. He joined the Eucharistein Brotherhood, which was founded in Saint-Maurice, Switzerland, by Nicolas Buttet. In a 2018 profile by Point de Vue, Johannes recalled his spiritual journey, while noting the role his great-grandparents had played in this development: "I remember the presence of 'Uhr Gross Mama', as we called our great-grandmother, when we went to see her in her retirement at Zizers. I was eight years old when she died. I discovered by reading her biography and that of the Emperor Karl that they were far from all the dreams which generally surrounds sovereigns, they had dedicated their lives to the poor. Their holiness touched me."
Of the eight children of his parents, Johannes is not be the only member of the family to enter religious life. His brother Archduke/Frère Thomas (b.1983), his sister Archduchess/Sœur Marie-des-Neiges (b.1986; she entered the order on the same day that her brother Johannes was ordained as a priest), and his brother Archduke/Frère Joseph (b.1991; who also entered the order on the same day as his brother Johannes and sister Marie-des-Neiges) are all members of the Eucharistein order. Thus, four of the eight children of Archduke Rudolf and Archduchess Marie Hélène of Austria have joined the ministry of the Roman Catholic Church. The great-grandfather of the four archdukes and archduchess, Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary, was beautified by the Church on 3 October 2004. He is now known as the Blessed Karl of Austria-Hungary. The great-grandmother of the siblings, Empress Zita of Austria-Hungary, had the cause for her beautification opened in 2009: the empress is now known as Servant of God Zita of Austria-Hungary. Sources: « Héritier » de Christophe Giordani, l’appel de Dieu en héritage L'ordination de l’archiduc Johannes d’Autriche Johannes d'Autriche: le banquier Habsbourg devenu prêtre
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