Thursday, November 14, 2019

The 69th Birthday of Princess Helen of Romania, Progenitor of the Royal House's Future

Today, Princess Helen of Romania celebrates her sixty-ninth birthday.

The birth of Princess Helen of Romania as announced in the press
King Michael and Queen Anne of Romania with their daughters, Princesses Margarita and Helen
Princess Helen of Romania was born at the Clinique de Montchoisi in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 15 November 1950 as the second daughter of King Michael of Romania and Queen Anne (née Bourbon-Parma). Her godmothers were her paternal grandmother Queen Mother Helen of Romania (née Greece and Denmark) and Queen Mary of the United Kingdom (née Teck). Helen was preceded by an older sister, Princess Margarita (b.1949), and was followed by three sisters: Princess Irina (b.1953), Princess Sophie (b.1957), and Princess Marie (b.1964).

King Michael of Romania with his daughter Princess Helen on her wedding day
(Lausanne, 1983)
The wedding of Dr. Robin Medforth-Mills and Princess Helen of Romania
(Lausanne, 1983)
In 1983, Princess Helen of Romania married Dr. Robin Medforth-Mills (1942-2002), who worked for the United Nations a great deal of his life. Their wedding was attended by King Constantine II of Greece and his wife Queen Anne-Marie. Helen's bridesmaids included her youngest sister Princess Marie, her cousins Princess Alexia of Greece and Denmark and Princess Mafalda of Savoy, and also Fabiola Fruchaud. Other guests at the wedding were her maternal grandmother Princess Margrethe of Bourbon-Parma (née Denmark), her maternal uncles Prince Michel of Bourbon-Parma and Prince André, her maternal cousins Prince Phillipe and Princess Lorraine of Bourbon-Parma, Queen Ingrid of Denmark, Queen Marie José of Italy and her daughter Princess Maria Pia, Queen Sofía of Spain and her daughter Infanta Cristina of Spain, Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta with his children Prince Aimone and Princess Bianca of Savoy, Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece and Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Denmark, and Prince Leopold of Baden.
The baptism of Nicholas of Romania
(left to right) King Michael, Crown Princess Margarita, Queen Anne, Princess Helen holding her son Prince Nicholas, and Dr. Robin Medforth-Mills
King Michael and Queen Anne of Romania with their family
(left to right) Princess Sophie, Queen Anne, King Michael, Princess Margarethe of Bourbon-Parma, Dr. Robin Medforth-Mills, Princess Helen with her son Nicholas
Dr. Robin Medforth-Mills and Princess Helen of Romania with their children, Nicholas and Karina, in 1990.
Photograph (c) Terry Smith/Getty Images
Helen of Romania and Dr. Medforth-Mills had two children: Nicholas (b.1985) and Karina (b.1989). Nicholas's godparents were Queen Anne (his maternal grandmother) and Princess Margarita (his maternal aunt). Karina's godmother was the British novelist Catherine Cookson. Helen and Robin were divorced in 1991. Princess Helen remarried in 1998 to Alexander Nixon (b.1964; né McAteer). 
King Michael with his grandchildren Nicholas and Karina
Nicholas and Karina of Romania: the hope of the royal family
In 2010, Princess Helen's only son was created HRH Prince Nicholas of Romania by her father King Michael. As of 2007, King Michael had abolished the Salic Law which had governed the Romanian royal house; thus, Michael was to be succeeded by his eldest daughter Margarita, and then by his daughter Helen and her two children (Nicholas and Karina), and thereafter by his three younger daughters and their issue. The King had previously stated in a book published in 1992 (Michel de Roumanie: Il Règne Inachevé by Philippe Viguié Desplaces) that His Majesty intended that his grandson would follow him as Head of House Romania: 
Like all the families in our situation, we regretted not having sons, since the royal constitution of 1923, in accordance with the Salic law, forbids women to reign over the Kingdom of Romania.

Margarita, however, is the presumed heiress, but nothing is established. This is something we will have to resolve in due course. Many countries, Sweden, for example, have repealed the Salic law, which is no longer in accord with our times…

If I die before returning to the throne, my eldest daughter would most likely become the head of the royal family. Then, if she does not marry and has no descendants, this role will be played by the eldest son of my younger daughter [Helen’s son Nicholas]. This choice seems to conform to the preferences of all the Romanians that I have consulted on the question. But nothing is established yet. I cannot take such a decision alone.

I have four grandchildren today. None of them bear the title of prince, because they have to receive it through the Romanian parliament. On the other hand, it is essential that they be known in Romania and that they speak the language of their compatriots. Nicholas, Helen’s eldest son, is now six years old. The age I was when I ascended the throne ... If destiny calls him to rule one day in Romania, Nicholas will have to fulfil his duty.
The Past and Future Heads of the Romanian Royal House
(left to right) Prince Nicholas, Princess Helen, Crown Princess Margarita, King Michael
Princess Helen and Mr. Alexander Nixon
Photograph (c) Ellen Dean
The wedding of Prince Nicholas and Princess Alina-Maria of Romania
(left to right) Karina of Romania, Heinz Binder, Princess Alina-Maria, Prince Nicholas, Rodica Binder, Mihai Binder

Photograph (c) David Nivière/Getty Images
As first in line to the headship of the Royal House after her older sister, Princess Helen continues to periodically visit Romania and support the activities of the royal family. Helen's two children are essentially l'espoir of the royal family. In 2018, the princess gained a daughter-in-law, when her son Nicholas married Alina-Maria Binder at Sinaia. Helen was unable to attend the ceremony, but her daughter Karina was present and acted as a bridesmaid for Alina-Maria. Helen resides in the United Kingdom with her second husband; her son Nicholas and his wife Alina live full-time in Bucharest, where they are engaged in numerous charitable activities; and her daughter Karina is a private citizen. 
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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice, Announces Return to Italy

Today, Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice, issued a rather cryptic video message via social media. His message was also carried on the Italian television channel Mediaset at 9pm. The Prince of Venice stated: "Good evening to all Italians. The time is coming. It is a duty for me, but also a great honor, to announce to you the imminent return of the Royal Family."
It is difficult to discern whether the prince, the only male-line grandson of King Umberto II of Italy and Queen Marie José, is relocating to Italy to pursue a political career or something else.
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Grand Duke George of Russia Survives Serious Automobile Accident in St. Petersburg

The scene of the accident Photograph (c) spd_today
Grand Duke George walks away from the accident Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, the only child of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, Head of the Imperial House, and her former husband Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia, was involved in a serious automobile accident today in St. Petersburg. The grand duke had been traveling to a cultural forum in the city.
The minibus in which the grand duke was travelling crashed into a concrete median barrier and then flipped over. The accident was caught on surveillance cameras. Fortunately, none of the occupants of the minibus were seriously injured. George was able to get out of the vehicle on his own.
The Imperial House has released the following communiqué:
The Heir of the Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. the Grand Duke George of Russia, and others traveling with him in a microbus in St. Petersburg, were, by the grace of God, uninjured in a serious accident which happened today, November 1/14, 2019—the feast day of the Holy Martyrs, Physicians, and Unmercenaries Ss. Cosmas and Damian. 
2019-11-14. The Heir of the Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. the Grand Duke George of Russia was in an automobile accident today in St. Petersburg, Russia. 
On November 14, 2019, a minibus carrying the heir of the Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. the Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia and several others, flipped over on Sinopskaya embankment in St. Petersburg. The vehicle ended up off the roadway on its roof. 
The Grand Duke flew in today to St. Petersburg from Moscow in order to participate in the International Cultural Forum taking place. 
The minibus was traveling at 60 kph. A preliminary investigation suggests that the accident was caused by a blown tire. 
“The Lord kept us safe,” the Grand Duke told reporters who arrived on the scene of the accident. 
By the grace of God, the microbus flipped in the direction of the grassy verge, not toward the embankment, which might have put the car into the Neva River, with likely tragic consequences for the passengers and driver. 
The Grand Duke got himself out of the overturned vehicle and immediately offered assistance to others. He noted with gratitude that police, firefighters, and ambulances arrived at the scene almost immediately and provided highly professional assistance to all who needed it. 
The driver and passengers in the minibus were all taken to hospital for observation. Despite the serious nature of the accident, neither the Grand Duke nor any of the others in the vehicle, including the driver, sustained any serious injuries. 
The Grand Duke expects to participate fully in the events of the International Cultural Forum.
Grand Duke George posted an image on social media, where he commented on what had happened: "What a day! I want to thank you all for your support as well as the first responders for their work and professionalism!"
This event seems like a rather imperial miracle. We are certain that the grand duke's parents and dear ones are greatly relieved that everyone in the vehicle emerged virtually unscathed. God bless them. Source with video: Великий князь Георгий Романов попал в ДТП в Санкт-Петербурге — видео
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Death of Prince Antonio of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1929-2019)

H.R.H. Prince Antonio of Bourbon-Two Sicilies died at Zurich, Switzerland, on Monday, 11 November, at the age of ninety. His eldest son, Francesco, was at his father's side when Antonio passed away.

Prince Gabriele of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, father of Prince Antonio

Prince Antoine (Antonio) Marie Joseph Alphonse Adam of Bourbon-Two Sicilies was born at Cannes on 20 January 1929 as the only child of Prince Gabriele of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1897-1975) and his first wife Princess Malgorzata Czartoryski (1902-1929), who wed in 1927. Antonio's mother died two months after his birth. Prince Gabriele later remarried in 1932 to Princess Cecilia Lubomirski (1907-2001). From this union, Antonio gained four half-siblings: Prince Giovanni (1933-2000), Princess Maria Margarita (1934-2014), Princess Maria Immaculata (b.1937), and Prince Casimiro (b.1938).

Prince Antonio of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Duchess Elisabeth of Württemberg on the cover of Bunte

In July 1958, Prince Antonio married Duchess Elisabeth of Württemberg (b.1933), the daughter of Duke Philipp of Württemberg and Archduchess Rosa of Austria-Tuscany. The couple have four children: Prince Francesco (b.1960), Princess Maria Carolina (b.1962), Prince Gennaro (b.1966), and Princess Annunziata (b.1973).

Prince Antonio and Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
(Schloß Altshausen, 2003)

Prince Antonio is survived by his wife Princess Elisabeth, by their four children, and by seven grandchildren.

May The Prince Rest In Peace. 

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Hereditary Princess Viktoria Luise of Leiningen (née Preußen) Expecting First Child

Hereditary Prince Ferdinand of Leiningen and Hereditary Princess Viktoria Luise of Leiningen (née Preußen) have announced that they are expecting their first child, who is due in February 2020. Both descendants of Queen Victoria, Ferdinand of Leiningen and Viktoria Luise von Preußen were married in 2017. Ferdinand (b.1982) is the eldest child and son of Fürst Andreas of Leiningen (b.1955) and his wife Princess Alexandra of Hannover (b.1959). Viktoria Luise (b.1982) is the only daughter of the late Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia (1939-2015) and his second wife Ehrengard von Reden (b.1943). Source: Ferdinand & Viktoria Luise zu Leiningen: Das Erbprinzenpaar erwartet sein erstes Kind!
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Monday, November 11, 2019

The 2019 Royal Gatherings In The Hague: A Summary Of Events

Statue of Willem van Oranje (1533-1584) Den Haag
The 7th Royal Gatherings in The Hague was held on Saturday, 9 November, and Sunday, 10 November, at the Park Hotel. Hosted by Eurohistory and Booksellers Van Hoogstraten, this annual event continues to bring together royal historians and enthusiasts from around the world. It is a true treat to be able to attend this function - one is able to meet long-time friends and make new acquaintances (who quickly turn into friends) while everyone indulges in their abiding and deep interest in royal history. On Saturday, attendees heard five lectures that were delivered by both well-known authors and up-and-coming royal historians.
The programme for the 1st Day of the 2019 Royal Gatherings in The Hague
The topics and speakers were as follows:
  • "The Descendants of Prince Franz of Bavaria and Princess Isabella of Croÿ" by Seth B. Leonard
  • "Mary Tudor: Daughter, Sister, Wife, and Queen" by Marian Bette
  • "Royal Funerals in England" by Robert Golden
  • "Castles and Palaces in Württemberg" by Susan Symons
  • "Kingsday/Koningsdag: A Royal Celebration" by Oscar Meijer
Seth B. Leonard is an American contributing writer at the European Royal History Journal.
Marian Bette is a Dutch royal historian with a particular focus on the fascinating female members of the Tudor dynasty. 
Robert Golden is a British historian and the author of the following publications: Relatively Royal: A Personal View, The Golden Book of Royalty: Relatively Speaking, Definitely RoyalConnaught: A Royal Family Album, and Albany: One Dynasty, Two Destinies (co-written with Arturo E. Beéche).
Susan Symons is a British historian (with, as you will see, an avid passion for exploring and documenting the schlösser of Germany) and the author of the following publications: Schloss: The Fascinating Royal History of 25 German CastlesSchloss II: More Fascinating Royal History of German Castles, Young Victoria: The Colourful Personal Life of Queen Victoria, Victoria & Albert: The Colourful Personal Life of Queen Victoria - Part 2Schloss III: The Fascinating Royal History of 25 Castles in Central Germany, Schloss in Bavaria: The Fascinating Royal History of German Castles, Victoria the Widowed Queen: The Colourful Personal Life of Queen Victoria - Part 3, and Schloss in Baden-Württemberg: The Fascinating Royal History of German Castles.
A fervent devotee of the Royal House of The Netherlands, Oscar Meijer served as one of the organisers of the Koningsdag 2019 Amersfoort festivities. We were all treated to Oranje Bitter after Oscar's lecture: it was delightful.
Day One of Royal Gatherings in The Hague (left to right): Robert Golden, Oscar Meijer, Annet Bakker of Booksellers Van Hoogstraten, Arturo Beéche of Eurohistory, Susan Symons, and Seth Leonard. Missing from this picture is Marian Bette.
On Sunday, we were treated to five lectures on a wide variety of royal and imperial topics.
The programme for the 2nd Day of the 2019 Royal Gatherings in The Hague
The presentations and speakers were as follows:
  • "The Emirs of Bokhara" by Alexander Borg
  • "The Wedding of Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia and Grand Duchess Maria Wladimirovna of Russia" by Seth B. Leonard
  • "The Theft of the Hessian Jewels" by Katie Tice
  • "The Meanderings of a Royal Auctioneer: Fabergé and Romanov Objects" by Edgar Clin
  • "The Duc de Penthièvre" by Arturo Béeche
Alexander Borg is a retired British educator who possesses an acute interest and deep knowledge of the dynasties and royal families of the Middle East and Asia. 
Katie Tice is an American lawyer who brings her legal eye to lend others a keen look at the royal subjects that she studies. Katie has written many articles for the European Royal History Journal. She is currently engaged in research that will culminate in a joint biography of the daughters-in-law of Kaiser Wilhelm II: Crown Princess Cecilie (née Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin), Princess Sophie Charlotte (née Duchess of Oldenburg), Princess Adelheid (née Princess of Saxe-Meiningen), Princess Alexandra Victoria (née Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein), Princess Ina Marie (née Countess von Bassewitz-Levetzow), and Princess Marie Auguste (née Princess of Anhalt). 
Edgar Clin is a Parisian-based auctioneer with a noted expertise in Russian antiquities, especially those related to Fabergé, to the Russian Imperial Family, and to the other royal houses of Europe. 
Arturo Beéche is the Founder of Eurohistory and the Publisher of the European Royal History Journal. He is also the author of over twenty-five books on European royal history. 
Day Two of Royal Gatherings in The Hague (left to right): Edgar Clin, Annet Bakker of Booksellers Van Hoogstraten, Alexander Borg, Arturo Beéche of Eurohistory, Katie Tice, and Seth Leonard.
Many thanks to Annet Bakker and Arturo Beéche for such a fun and informative weekend. We all look forward to next year's Royal Gatherings in The Hague. Heel erg bedankt!

In Profile, By Rachael Sigee: Princess Elisabeth of Thurn and Taxis And Her Work At Sotheby's

Last month, journalist Rachael Sigee wrote a fascinating profile on Princess Elisabeth of Thurn and Taxis. Elisabeth (b.1982) is one of the children of Fürstin Gloria of Thurn and Taxis (née Schönburg-Glauchau) and the late Fürst Johannes. Sigee's piece focuses on the work that Elisabeth is engaged in at Sotheby's, where the princess is currently curating lots for the upcoming Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels auction to be held at Geneva on this Wednesday, 13 November. This wonderful video, taken by T.J. Wilcox for the Sotheby's article, shows Fürstin Gloria and her daughter guiding the viewer through their home, Schloß St. Emmeram: The most amusing part of the video (for me) is when Fürstin Gloria, with a grin, quips: "I have my eye on everything. I see everything." To read the profile of Elisabeth of Thurn and Taxis by Rachael Sigee, please visit this link: Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis on Making Her Own Way as a Modern Princess
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