The Prescient Interview Given by Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia in 1905 About Bloody Sunday

At the end of January 1905, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia granted a rare interview to a foreign reporter about the situation in Russia…
 The Prescient Interview Given by Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia in 1905 About Bloody Sunday

New listings at among them A Poet Among the Romanovs!

Four more of our books were listed today in the Bookstore section (Shop Now) of our website at These new listings include…
New listings at among them A Poet Among the Romanovs!

Archduke Georg to Become Hungarian Ambassador to France

According to reports in the Hungarian press , Archduke Georg of Austria (known in civil society as György Habsburg) will soon be Hungary's nex…
 Archduke Georg to Become Hungarian Ambassador to France

New Pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Parma with Their Family

In June 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Parma were photographed with their three children on the beach of Scheveningen by Jeroen van der Meyde. Pri…
 New Pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Parma with Their Family

The Creation of the Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg Fund

On Thursday, 10 December, the establishment of the Fonds Prinses Delphine van Saksen-Coburg was unveiled at University Hospital Ghent. The fund w…
 The Creation of the Princess Delphine of Saxe-Coburg Fund

A Poet Among the Romanovs: Prince Vladimir Paley 1897-1918

Prince Vladimir Paley, first cousin of the last tsar, was a poet among the Romanovs. The rules of the Imperial Family prevented him from being cons…
 A Poet Among the Romanovs: Prince Vladimir Paley 1897-1918

A Swedish Royal Baby in 2021

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden are expecting their third child in the Spring of 2021. The royal household said the princess is doing well and the birth is expected between March-…
 A Swedish Royal Baby in 2021

More Pictures of Maria-Alexandra of Romania, the Newest Addition to the Royal Family

Nicholas, Alina, and Maria of Romania. Photograph (c) David Niviere/Abaca/Sipa USA/Sip These photographs of Nicholas of Romania, his wife Alina-Ma…
 More Pictures of Maria-Alexandra of Romania, the Newest Addition to the Royal Family

RECOLLECTIONS: The Memoirs of Victoria, Dowager Marchioness of Milford Haven Starts Selling on AMAZON today!

Our next book,  RECOLLECTIONS   by Victoria Marchioness of Milford Haven  is selling now! Clients can either purchase their copy at our website at …
 RECOLLECTIONS: The Memoirs of Victoria, Dowager Marchioness of Milford Haven Starts Selling on AMAZON today!

Prince Christian of Denmark Tests Positive for Covid-19

Yesterday Prince Christian of Denmark, who is fifteen years-old, tested positive for COVID-19 following an outbreak at his school. Prince Christia…
 Prince Christian of Denmark Tests Positive for Covid-19