Tuesday, November 26, 2019

In Profile, a Modern Princess: Louise d'Orléans, Daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Chartres

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The parents of Louise: Prince Charles-Louis d'Orléans and Iléana Manos on their wedding day

Born at Paris on 6 December 1999, Princess Louise Marie Isabelle d'Orléans is the eldest daughter of Prince Charles-Louis, Duke of Chartres, and his wife Princess Iléana (née Manos; a cousin of Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia). Louise has an older brother, Prince Philippe (b.1998), and three younger siblings: Princess Hélène (b.2001), Prince Constantin (b.2003), and Princess Isabelle (b.2005). Princess Louise d'Orléans is the granddaughter of Prince Jacques, Duke of Orléans, and his wife Princess Gersende (née de Sabran-Pontevès); therefore, Louise is the great-granddaughter of the late Prince Henri, Count of Paris, and his wife Princess Isabelle (née Orléans e Bragança), as well as of Foulques de Sabran-Pontevès, Duc de Sabran, and his wife Roselyne (née Manca-Amat de Vallombrosa).


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Princess Louise d'Orléans recently gave an interview to journalist Chloé Friedmann of Madame Figaro. In it, she gave a lot of insight into her life and her goals and hopes for the future. Louise is a third-year student focusing on agricultural engineering at a university in Lille (l’École d’ingénieur agroalimentaire). Like many of her relatives, she enjoys painting and expressing herself artistically. Louise has traveled extensively in South America, and she would love to live in either Argentina or Brazil one day. The princess confides that she is a great admirer of Queen Elizabeth II, and that she also likes watching the Netflix series, The Crown. 

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Louise d'Orléans will be one of the participants at the upcoming Bal des Débutantes held in Paris on 30 November. She will be wearing a gown designed by Giambattista Valli. Princess Louise hopes that her attendance at the ball will help to raise funds for two charities, Seleni and Enfants d'Asie, which Louise and her parents both support. 
For Louise's full interview with Chloé Friedmann of Madame Figaro, please visit this link: Louise d’Orléans : "Je dois faire la révérence devant mes tantes"

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Bust of King Paul of Greece Unveiled at Museum in Athens; Constantine & Anne-Marie Present

Bust of King Paul of the Hellenes
Photograph (c) The Royal Chronicles

On Wednesday, 27 November, a bust of His late Majesty King Paul of the Hellenes was presented at the Museum of the City of Athens.

King Constantine II of the Hellenes at the presentation of his father's statue
Photograph (c) The Royal Chronicles

The likeness of King Paul was donated by the Graduates Association of Anavryta Classical Lyceum, on the occasion of the lyceum's seventieth anniversary.

King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes
Photograph (c) The Royal Chronicles

King Constantine II of the Hellenes and Queen Anne-Marie (née Denmark) were present for the event.

Many thanks to Andreas Megos for sharing this information on Twitter.

Source: Επίσημη παρουσίαση της προτομής του Βασιλέως Παύλου στο Μουσείο της Πόλεως των Αθηνών

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Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Saxon Royal Succession Act of 1997 and the Current Royal Family of Saxony

Prince Alexander, Princess Anastasia-Luise, Prince Maria Emanuel, and Princess Gisela of Saxony

On 22 May 1997 at Dresden, all of the living princes and princesses of the Royal House of Saxony, including living consorts (morganatic or otherwise) who had married princes of the blood, agreed to a succession agreement as it pertained to the future of the Saxon royal family. This act decreed that Prince Maria Emanuel of Saxony, Margrave of Meißen and Head of the Royal House, would be succeeded by his nephew, Prince Alexander, the eldest son of Maria Emanuel's sister Princess Maria Anna of Saxony and her husband Robert de Afif.

Prince Dedo of Saxony (1922-2009)
Princess Erina of Saxony (1921-2010; née Eilts)
Princess Anastasia-Luise of Saxony, Margravine of Meissen (b.1940; née Princess of Anhalt)
Prince Albert of Saxony (1934-2012)
Princess Elmira of Saxony (b.1930; née Henke)
Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony (1928-2018)
Princess Maria Anna of Saxony (1929-2012)
Photograph (c) Royal House of Saxony
Princess Mathilde of Saxony (1936-2018) with her son Prince Johannes Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1969-1987)

Specifically, those present at the gathering in Dresden were these members of the royal family: Prince Dedo of Saxony (1922-2009; he also acted as a representative for his brother, Prince Gero of Saxony [1925-2003], and for his stepmother, Princess Virginia of Saxony [1910-2002; née Dulon; widow of Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony]), Princess Erina of Saxony (1921-2010; née Eilts; widow of Prince Timo of Saxony), Princess Anastasia Luise of Saxony (b.1940; née Anhalt; wife of the late Margrave Maria Emanuel of Meissen, Prince of Saxony [1926-2016]), Prince Albert of Saxony (1934-2012), Princess Elmira of Saxony (b.1930; née Henke; wife of Prince Albert), Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony (1928-2018), Princess Maria Anna of Saxony (1929-2012), and Princess Mathilde of Saxony (1936-2018).

Margrave Friedrich Christian of Meißen with his sons Prince Maria Emanuel and Prince Albert
Photograph (c) Royal House of Saxony

The Saxon Royal Succession Act of 22 May 1997 read as follows:

H.R.H. Prince Dedo of Saxony, Duke of Saxony
     at the same time acting in authority for
     H.R.H. Prince Gero of Saxony, Duke of Saxony, as well as for
     H.R.H. Princess Virginia of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony
H.R.H. Princess Erina of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony
H.R.H. Princess Anastasia-Luise, Margrave of Meissen, Duchess of Saxony
H.R.H. Dr. Prince Albert of Saxony, Duke of Saxony
H.R.H. Princess Elmira of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony
H.R.H. Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony
H.R.H. Princess Maria Anna of Saxony-Gessaphe, Duchess of Saxony
H.R.H. Dr. Princess Mathilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duchess of Saxony 
We hereby declare, 
In the responsibility of today's living and acting generation of the Wettins and in light of the more than 900-year history of our dynasty and in the knowledge that the family and Saxony should be given a predictable for the next decades personnel perspective: 
We acknowledge the wishes of H.R.H. Prince Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meissen, Duke of Saxony, who has expressed his intention to enable our nephew Prince Alexander to succeed him as Margrave of Meissen, and we are in agreement with his intention. 
This consent does not affect any civil rights of the declarant. 
H.R.H. Prince Dedo of Saxony, Duke of Saxony 
H.R.H. Princess Erina of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony 
H.R.H. Princess Anastasia-Luise, Margrave of Meissen, Duchess of Saxony 
H.R.H. Dr. Prince Albert of Saxony, Duke of Saxony  
H.R.H. Princess Elmira of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony 
H.R.H. Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, Duchess of Saxony 
H.R.H. Princess Maria Anna of Saxony-Gessaphe, Duchess of Saxony 
H.R.H. Dr. Princess Mathilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duchess of Saxony 
The above copy is in accordance with the original submitted to me today.
I certify this. 
Dresden, 22.05.1997 
Dr. Horn de la Fontaine 

The original document reads as follows:

S.K.H. Prinz Dedo von Sachsen Herzog zu Sachsen     zugleich in Vollmacht handelnd für     S.K.H. Prinz Gero von Sachsen Herzog zu Sachsen sowie     I.K.H. Prinzessin Virginia von Sachsen Herzogin zu SachsenI.K.H. Prinzessin Erina von Sachsen Herzogin zu SachsenI.K.H. Prinzessin Anastasia-Luise Markgräfin von Meissen Herzogin zu SachsenS.K.H. Dr. Prinz Albert von Sachsen Herzog zu SachsenI.K.H. Prinzessin Elmira von Sachsen Herzogin zu SachsenI.K.H. Prinzessin Maria Josepha von Sachsen Herzogin zu SachsenI.K.H. Prinzessin Maria Anna von Sachsen-Gessaphe Herzogin zu SachsenI.K.H. Dr. Prinzessin Mathilde von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha Herzogin zu Sachsen 
erklären hiermit 
in der Verantwortung der heute lebenden und handelnden Generation der Wettiner vor der über 900-jährigen Geschtichte unseres Hauses und in dem Besußtsein, daß der Familie und Sachsen eine für die nächsten Jahrzehnte berechenbare personelle Perspektive gegeben werden soll: 
Wir nehmen die von S.K.H. Prinz Maria Emanuel Markgraf von Meissen Herzog zu Sachsen geäußerte Absicht, unserem Neffen Prinz Alexander die unmittelbare Nachfolge als Markgraf von Meissen zu ermöglichen, zustimmend zur Kenntis. 
Von dieser Zustimmung bleiben etwaige bürgerliche Rechte der Erklärenden unberührt. 
S.K.H. Prinz Dedo von Sachsen Herzog zu Sachsen 
I.K.H. Prinzessin Erina von Sachsen Herzogin zu Sachsen 
I.K.H. Prinzessin Anastasia-Luise Markgräfin von Meissen Herzogin zu Sachsen 
S.K.H. Dr. Prinz Albert von Sachsen Herzog zu Sachsen 
I.K.H. Prinzessin Elmira von Sachsen Herzogin zu Sachsen 
I.K.H. Prinzessin Maria Josepha von Sachsen Herzogin zu Sachsen 
I.K.H. Prinzessin Maria Anna von Sachsen-Gessaphe Herzogin zu Sachsen 
I.K.H. Dr. Prinzessin Mathilde von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha Herzogin zu Sachsen 
Vorstehende Abschrift stimmt mit der mir heute vorgelegten Urschrift überein. 
Dies beglaubige ich.  
Dresden, 22.05.1997 
Dr. Horn de la Fontaine 
Page 1 of the Saxon Royal Succession Act of 1997
Page 2 of the Saxon Royal Succession Act of 1997
Page 3 of the Saxon Royal Succession Act of 1997
In accordance with the Saxon Royal Succession Act of 1997, Prince Alexander of Saxony (b.1953) was unilaterally recognised by all members of the royal family as the heir to his uncle, the Margrave of Meißen. Further, on 1 June 1999, Maria Emanuel of Saxony legally adopted his nephew Alexander as his son; therefore, Alexander and his children were able to use the surname in Germany of "Prinz/Prinzessin von Sachsen, Herzon/Herzogin zu Sachsen." When Prince Maria Emanuel of Saxony died in 2012, Prince Alexander succeeded as the Head of the Royal House. In 1987, Prince Alexander of Saxony married Princess Gisela of Bavaria (b.1964), daughter of Prince Rasso of Bavaria and Archduchess Theresa of Austria-Tuscany. Margrave Alexander and Margravine Gisela of Meißen have four children: Prince Georg (b.1988), Prince Mauricio (b.1989), Prince Clemens (b.1993), and Princess Teresita (b.1999). 
Margrave Alexander and Margravine Gisela of Meißen, with the Dowager Margravine Anastasia-Luise, as well as their children: Prince Georg, Prince Mauricio, Prince Clemens, and Princess Teresita of Saxony (2012)
Photograph (c) Royal House of Saxony
For more about the Royal Family of Saxony, please visit this link: Markgraf von Meissen
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Friday, November 22, 2019

Romanian Royal Family Attends Memorial Service for King Michael

The Royal Family of Romania (left to right) Princess Alina-Maria, Prince Nicholas, Princess Sophie, Prince Radu, and Margarita, Custodian of the Crown Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
The Romanian Royal Family Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Margarita, Custodian of the Crown, places a wreath on the grave of her father King Michael Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
The members of the Romanian royal family have attended a Parastas (Memorial Service) for King Michael of Romania. His Majesty passed away at Aubonne, Switzerland, on 5 December 2017.
Prince Nicholas of Romania at the grave of King Michael Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Princess Alina-Maria of Romania at the grave of King Michael Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
Archbishop Calinic of Argeș and Muscel presided over the service at the New Archbishop and Royal Cathedral at Curtea de Argeș. The following members of the Royal House were present: Custodian of the Crown Margarita with her husband Prince Radu, Princess Sophie, and Prince Nicholas with his wife Princess Alina-Maria.
Prince Nicholas and Princess Alina-Maria depart the Parastas for their grandfather King Michael Photograph (c) Arhiepiscopia Argesului Si Muscelului
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Prince Vladimir, Son of Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia, Forms Monarchist Movement in Serbia

Prince Vladimir Photograph (c) HRH Prince Vladimir Karađorđević
Serbian press outlets are reporting that Prince Vladimir Karađorđević has formed the political movement named "Monarchist Front." The Monarchist Front is scheduled to begin its operations in 2020. The idea behind ​​the Monarchist Front is: "to overcome the current political and social crisis, for which political parties are largely responsible. The aim is to bring citizens together around an idea that could represent a factor of stability in society, and that is the institution of the monarch in the context of a possible restoration of the monarchy."
Prince Vladimir at the funeral of his father Prince Andrej in 1990 Photograph (c) HRH Prince Vladimir Karađorđević
Prince Vladimir (b.1964) is the eldest son of Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia (1929-1990) and his second wife Princess Kira of Leiningen (1930-2005). Vladimir has two older siblings from his father's first marriage to Princess Christina of Hesse (1933-2011): Princess Tatiana (b.1957), and Prince Christopher (1960-1994). Vladimir has two siblings from his parents' marriage: Princess Lavinia Marie (b.1961) and Prince Dimitri (b.1965). Prince Vladimir married Brigitte Müller (now Princess Brigitta Karađorđević) civilly in 2000 and religiously in 2001. The couple had one son, Prince Kirill Andrej, who was born and died in 2001. Prince Vladimir is a first cousin of Crown Prince Alexander (II) of Serbia, the only child of King Peter II of Yugoslavia and his wife Queen Alexandra (née Greece).
Prince Vladimir and Princess Brigitta Photograph (c) HRH Prince Vladimir Karađorđević
Confirmation of the formation of the Monarchist Front was given by Dejan Damnjanović, the Chief of the Cabinet of Prince Vladimir. Source: Принц Владимир Карађорђевић оснива Монархистички фронт Cabinet of HRH Prince Vladimir Karadjordjevic
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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Among Other Notables, Two Bourbon Princesses to Appear at the Bal des Débutantes

Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg with their children at the Bay des Débutantes

The annual Bal des Débutantes will take place on 30 November at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris. In recent years, the event has been attended by the following royal and noble young women: Princess Charlotte of Nassau; Infanta Maria Francisca of Portugal, Duchess of Coimbra; Princess Gauravi Kumari of Jaipur; Countess Gabrielle de Pourtalès; Amina Martinez de Irujo y Casanova (granddaughter of the late Cayetana, Duchess of Alba); and Maria do Carmo Calem (granddaughter of Princess Teresa of Orléans-Bragança, the youngest sister of the late Countess of Paris).

Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Photograph (c) Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
This year's ball contains an impressive guest list. Chief among them would be Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duchess of Calabria and Palermo: Maria Carolina (b.2003) is the eldest daughter and heiress of Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro. Another member of the larger Bourbon family will be there: Princess Louise d'Orléans (b.1999), the eldest daughter of Prince Charles-Louis d'Orléans, Duke de Chartres, and his wife Princess Illéana (née Manos; a cousin of Queen Alexandra of Yugoslavia [née Greece; Alexandra's mother was born Aspasia Manos]). Louise d'Orléans will be escorted to the ball by Prince Philippe Emmanuel de Croÿ-Solre (b.1997). Another attendee will be Louise's maternal cousin, Athina Manos (herself related to both the French and Serbian royal families). A final notable debutante will be Elvire de Clermont-Tonnerre (b.2002), the niece of the 12th Duc de Clermont-Tonnerre.
The three Infantes of Portugal at the Debutantes Ball in Paris
It will be interesting to discover the other "cavaliers" who attend alongside the debutantes this year. Past cavaliers have included Prince Mirko of Bulgaria, the Infantes Afonso and Dinis of Portugal, Maharaja Padmanabh Singh of Jaipur, and Princes Paul-Louis and Léopold of Nassau.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Princess Sophie of Prussia attends Charity Gathering in Baden

Yesterday (20 Nov.), Princess Sophie of Prussia (née Isenberg) attended the 2019 Tribute to Bambi at the Kurhaus in Baden-Baden.

The following is a summary of the annual Tribute to Bambi charitable event at the Kurhaus:
The TRIBUTE TO BAMBI Foundation supports relief projects throughout Germany for children and adolescents in need, and draws attention to grievances and issues that are under-recognized in society. 
When Patricia Riekel and Philipp Welte launched TRIBUTE To BAMBI in 2001, their vision was to harness the power of Germany's most important media prize to help children in critical life situations. The red carpet of BAMBI should not only bring glamor to a city, but leave something good for the weakest in our society. 
Since then, the charity event takes place annually in the fall. National and international stars as well as well-known partners from business and the media collect donations for the sponsored projects of our foundation. The charity event is being organized by Hubert Burda Media in favor of the TRIBUTE TO BAMBI Foundation, under operational responsibility and under cover of all costs.

Princess Sophie and her husband, Prince Georg Friedrich, the Head of the Prussian Royal Family, have presumably had a rather stressful time as of late. For some period, Georg Friedrich has been attending to negotiate a sort of restitution agreement between the State of Brandenburg and the Prussian royal family. However, when they were made public several months ago, the prince's claims were greeted with increasing hostility by a number of media outlets. Among other things, Prince Georg Friedrich is seeking for his family to have the right to reside in a floor of Schloß Cecilienhof, which was constructed for his great-grandmother, Crown Princess Cecile of Germany (née Mecklenburg-Schwerin).

Princess Sophie and Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia (2011)
Georg Friedrich and Sophie are the parents of four young children: Princes Carl Friedrich and Louis Ferdinand (b.2013; twins), Princess Emma (b.2015), and Prince Heinrich (b.2017).

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