Bust of King Paul of the Hellenes Photograph (c) The Royal Chronicles |
On Wednesday, 27 November, a bust of His late Majesty King Paul of the Hellenes was presented at the Museum of the City of Athens.
King Constantine II of the Hellenes at the presentation of his father's statue Photograph (c) The Royal Chronicles |
The likeness of King Paul was donated by the Graduates Association of Anavryta Classical Lyceum, on the occasion of the lyceum's seventieth anniversary.
King Constantine II and Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes Photograph (c) The Royal Chronicles |
King Constantine II of the Hellenes and Queen Anne-Marie (née Denmark) were present for the event.
Many thanks to Andreas Megos for sharing this information on Twitter.
Source: Επίσημη παρουσίαση της προτομής του Βασιλέως Παύλου στο Μουσείο της Πόλεως των Αθηνών
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