Death of Prince Luiz (1938-2022), Head of Brazilian Imperial Family Images of Prince Luiz throughout his life. Photo (c) Pró Monarquia. Today, on 15 July 2022 at São Paulo, Prince Luiz of Orleans-Bragança died after …
The 80th Birthday of Prince Rémy of Bourbon-Parma Prince Guy, Princess Maria, Prince Rémy, Princess Chantal, and Prince Louis of Parma. On 14 July 1942 at Cannes, Prince Rémy François Xavier Louis R…
The 90th Birthday of Count Bertram zu Castell-Rüdenhausen, First Cousin of Swedish King Count Bertram at an exhibition of his art, 1997. Photo (c) Seeger-Presse . Born on 12 July 1932 at Golßen, Count Bertram Friedrich zu Castell-Rüdenh…
The 50th Birthday of the Duke de Chartres Today, Prince Charles-Louis d'Orléans, Duke de Chartres, celebrates his fiftieth birthday. Jacques and Gersende with their three children, 1979.…
The 70th Birthday of Archduchess Alexandra of Austria On 10 July 1952 at Beloeil, Archduchess Alexandra Maria Anna Philippa Othonia of Austria was born as the second child and first daughter of Archduk…
Happy Birthday of Princess Barbara of Yugoslavia! Princess Barbara. (These images are not to be used or reproduced without permission!) Today, Princess Barbara of Yugoslavia celebrates her eightieth…
Serbian Princely Couple Visited by the Duchess of Segorbe Hereditary Prince Philip, Princess Maria da Gloria, Prince Stefan, and Hereditary Princess Danica. The family at the Temple of Saint Sava. Earlier …
The Golden Wedding Anniversary of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester Prince Richard, Birgitte, and Prince William. On the afternoon of 8 July 1972, Prince Richard of Gloucester and Birgitte van Deurs were married at …