Showing posts with label Countess Beatrix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Countess Beatrix. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Funeral of Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau

Photo (c) Sabine Brauer of Brauer Photos

Yesterday, 6 October, Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau was buried at the Nordfriedhof in Munich, Bavaria. Aged, ninety-one, Beatrix died at hospital in Regensburg on 30 September. 

Countess Irina, Count Alexander, Princess Gloria, and Count Carl-Alban at the funeral of their mother. Photo (c) Sabine Brauer of Brauer Photos.

The funeral of Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau was attended by her three surviving children and their spouses: Fürstin Gloria of Thurn and Taxis, Count Carl-Alban and Countess Juliet, and Count Alexander and Countess Irina. Beatrix was predeceased by her daughter Countess Maya, who passed away two years ago.

Fürst Albert and Princess Elisabeth of Thurn and Taxis. Photo (c) Sabine Brauer of Brauer Photos.

Most of the grandchildren of the countess were also able to be present for their grandmother's funeral. Beatrix's granddaughter Princess Elisabeth of Thurn and Taxis wrote a very moving remembrance of her grandmother, which she posted to her Instagram account. Elisabeth's post reads as follows:

Today we buried our beloved grandmother, my last grandparent. She lived to be 91, exuding elegance and grace beyond her final breaths, in a hospital bed. She was a mother of 4, a grandmother of 12, a great grandmother of 3 and counting. She lived through war, fled communism, leaving behind her beloved Hungary, to settle down in a foreign place she turned into home. She never complained, rarely explained, a lady through and through. She asked for little and gave everything. She loved Hungary, her people and she was loved by so many more, from all corners and walks of life! She lived a long life full of joy and pain, with endless courage, strength and humility. She died peacefully surrounded by loved ones and continuous prayer. We love you so much Nagy and we will miss you dearly.

Prince Adalbert and Princess Eva Maria of Prussia. Photo (c) Sabine Brauer of Brauer Photos.
Born on 30 January 1930 at Hegyko, Hungary, Countess Beatrix Maria Valeria Therese Emerica Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsövidék was the fourth daughter and last child of Count Bálint Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsövidék (1893 - 1954) and his wife Princess Maria Pavlovna Galitzine (1895 - 1976), who had married in 1921. Beatrix joined three older sisters: Marianne (1923 - 1999; married in 1952 to Olivér de Harisi), Alexandra (1926 - 2018; married in 1958 to Baron Dietrich-Eberhard von Wrede), and Eva (1928 - 1997). Beatrix's parents Bálint and Maria divorced in 1931. In October 1957, Beatrix married Count Joachim von Schönburg-Glauchau (1929 - 1998); they divorced in 1986. Beatrix and Joachim had four children during the course of their union: Countess Maya (1958 - 2019), Countess Gloria (b.1960), Count Carl-Alban (b.1966), and Count Alexander (b.1969).  Eurohistory: Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau (1930-2021)

Monday, October 4, 2021

Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau (1930-2021)

The death notice of Countess Beatrix.
Placed in Mittelbayerische Zeitung.
On 30 September, Countess Beatrix of Schönburg-Glauchau died at hospital in Regensburg. She was ninety-one years-old. The passing of the countess was announced by her daughter Fürstin Gloria of Thurn and Taxis. 
Count Bálint Széchényi and Princess Maria Pavlovna Galitzine
Beatrix's mum: Princess Maria Pavlovna Galitzine
On 30 January 1930, Countess Beatrix Maria Valeria Therese Emerica Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsövidék was born at Hegyko, Hungary. Beatrix was the fourth daughter and last child of Count Bálint Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsövidék (1893 - 1954) and his wife Princess Maria Pavlovna Galitzine (1895 - 1976), who had married in 1921. Beatrix joined three older sisters: Marianne (1923 - 1999; married in 1952 to Olivér de Harisi), Alexandra (1926 - 2018; married in 1958 to Baron Dietrich-Eberhard von Wrede), and Eva (1928 - 1997). Beatrix's parents Bálint and Maria divorced in 1931.
Newlyweds: Count Joachim and Countess Beatrix von Schönburg-Glauchau
In October 1957, Beatrix married Count Joachim von Schönburg-Glauchau (1929 - 1998). The couple had four children during the course of their union: Countess Maya (1958 - 2019), Countess Gloria (b.1960), Count Carl-Alban (b.1966), and Count Alexander (b.1969). Beatrix and Joachim divorced in 1986. Beatrix never remarried; Joachim wed the mother of his youngest child the same year that his divorce from Beatrix was finalised.
Beatrix with her daughter Fürstin Gloria von Thurn und Taxis and her grandson Fürst Albert in 2003. Photograph (c) Presse-Foto-Seeger
Countess Beatrix with her elder sister Countess Alexandra in 2003. Photograph (c) Presse-Foto-Seeger 
Beatrix with her late daughter Maya in 2003. Photograph (c) Presse-Foto-Seeger
Over the years, all of Beatrix's children married, and she was able to enjoy numerous grandchildren. Her eldest daughter, Countess Maya von Schönburg-Glauchau, married German industrial heir Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick (b.1944) in 1985. Maya and Mick had three children: Alexander, Maria-Pilar, and Ernst-Moritz. The couple divorced in 1993. Maya went on to have another daughter by her partner Stefan Hipp: Carlotta. After some years of illness, Countess Maya died of breast cancer in 2019 at the home of her mother.
Johannes and Gloria of Thurn and Taxis with their three children.
In 1980, Beatrix's youngest daughter, Mariae Gloria, married eventual Fürst Johannes von Thurn und Taxis (1926 - 1990). Gloria and Johannes had three children: Princess Maria Theresia (b.1980), Princess Elisabeth (b.1982), and current Fürst Albert (b.1983). Maria Theresia married British artist Hugo Wilson in 2014; the pair have two daughters, Mafalda (b.2015) and Maya (b.2017).
Count Carl-Alban, Countess Juliet, and their sons Counts Hubertus (the taller) and Benedikt (the smaller) in 2012. Photograph (c) ALAMY / Ursula Dueren
Beatrix's eldest son Carl-Alban married Juliet Beechy-Fowler (b.1966) in 1995. At the time of his marriage, Carl-Alban gave up his rights to the Schönburg-Glauchau title; these passed to his younger brother Alexander. Carl-Alban and his wife Juliet have two sons: Hubertus (b.1996) and Benedikt (b.1999).
Count Alexander von Schönburg-Glauchau and Princess Irina of Hesse on their wedding day
The benjamin of the family, Count Alexander, married Princess Irina of Hesse (b.1971) in 1999. Irina is the daughter of Prince Karl of Hesse and his wife Princess Yvonne. Irina's grandparents were Prince Christoph of Hesse and Princess Sophie of Greece and Denmark, a sister of the Duke of Edinburgh. Alexander and Irina of Schönburg-Glauchau have three children: Countess Maria-Letitia (b.2001), Count Maximus (b.2003), and Count Valentin (b.2005). Alexander has worked as a columnist for Vanity Fair.
May the Countess Rest in Peace.

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