The Savoys: A Story of Filial Betrayal, Disobedience, and Dynastic Disinheritance

Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images It would be a bit of an understatement to write that King Umber…
 The Savoys: A Story of Filial Betrayal, Disobedience, and Dynastic Disinheritance

The Savoys: A Story of Filial Betrayal, Disobedience, and Dynastic Disinheritance

Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images It would be a bit of an understatement to write that King U…
The Savoys: A Story of Filial Betrayal, Disobedience, and Dynastic Disinheritance

An Imperial Arrival: The Birth of Prince Alexander Georgievich Romanoff!

Grand Duke George and Princess Victoria. Photo (c) David Nivière. Courtesy of the Russian Imperial Chancellery. Today, Prince Alexande…
An Imperial Arrival: The Birth of Prince Alexander Georgievich Romanoff!

The Descent of Prince Alexander Romanoff from Empress Catherine the Great

Empress Catherine II of Russia (1729-1796) | Emperor Paul of Russia (1754-1801) | Emperor Nicholas I of Russia (1796-1855) | Emperor Alex…
The Descent of Prince Alexander Romanoff from Empress Catherine the Great

Baron Georg Heinrich "Heini" Thyssen-Bornemisza (1950-2022)

The baron's death notice in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 15 October 2022. Georg Heinrich and his father Hans Heinrich in St. Moritz.  Photo (c)…
 Baron Georg Heinrich "Heini" Thyssen-Bornemisza (1950-2022)

60 Years Since the Passing of Fürstin Margarete of Hohenzollern, Daughter of the Last Saxon King

Fürstin Margarete with her dogs, ~1955. Sixty years ago, on 16 October 1962, Fürstin Margarete of Hohenzollern died at Freiburg im Breisgau. She wa…
 60 Years Since the Passing of Fürstin Margarete of Hohenzollern, Daughter of the Last Saxon King

Romanians Commemorate the Centennial of the Coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie

The royal couple. Today, Nicholas and Alina-Maria of Romania commemorated the centennial of the Coronation of Nicholas' great-great-grandparents…
 Romanians Commemorate the Centennial of the Coronation of King Ferdinand and Queen Marie