The Lost Princess of Brazil: Maria de Orleans e Bragança Pedro Henrique and Maria Elisabeth Among royal genealogy enthusiasts, Prince Pedro Henrique of Orleans-Bragança and Princess Maria Elisabeth of …
Bulgarian Royals Remember Queen Giovanna Twenty Years After Her Passing King Simeon, Queen Margarita, Alexandra Chrobok, Jorge de Magalhães, and their children. Photograph (c) HM King Simeon II of the Bulgarians …
Opinion: Margarita of Romania Must Bring Peace, Reconciliation, & Unity to Her Family Princess Margarita of Romania Must Bring Unity to Her Family or Face Failure as the Head of the Royal House. By Seth B. Leonard [Note: The…
Opinion: Margarita of Romania Must Bring Peace, Reconciliation, & Unity to Her Family Princess Margarita of Romania Must Bring Unity to Her Family or Face Failure as the Head of the Royal House. By Seth B. Leonard [Note: The op…
Princess Traute of Lippe Celebrates Her 95th Birthday! Princess Traute of Lippe. Photograph (c) Presse-Foto-Seeger. Today, 16 February 2020, Princess Traute of Lippe marks her ninety-fifth birthday.…
Alexander von Preußen Marries Jenny von Rumohr On Saint Valentine's Day Note: Thank you to my friend Hein Bruins of Hein's Royal Genealogy Page for providing this information! Valentine's Day newlyweds…
Princess Traute of Lippe Celebrates Her 95th Birthday! Princess Traute of Lippe. Photograph (c) Presse-Foto-Seeger. Today, 16 February 2020, Princess Traute of Lippe marks her ninety-fifth birth…
Christmas and New Year Greetings from Romania! Each year, many of us send Christmas cards to cherished family and friends. Oftentimes, for those of us who are royal enthusiasts, we also mail lett…
Gone Too Soon: Doña Cristina de Borbón y Hardenberg (1975-2020), a Cousin of the Spanish King † Doña Cristina de Borbón y Hardenberg (1975-2020) Doña Cristina de Borbón y Hardenberg Doña Cristina de Borbón y Hardenberg died on T…
The Most Recent QVD Marriage: A Valentine's Day Wedding for a Prinz von Preußen Note: A big thank you to my dear friend Hein Bruins of Hein's Royal Genealogy Page for providing this information. Valentine's Da…