Princess Marie of Romania Is M.I.A.: King Michael's Youngest Daughter Reportedly Steps Back From Royal Role

Princess Marie of Romania in Bucharest on 21 March 2019. Photo (c) CRISTIAN NISTOR / AGERPRES
Princess Marie of Romania appears to be taking a step back from her role as a public representative of the royal house. Marie is the youngest of the five daughters of the late King Michael and Queen Anne of Romania. Formerly a very active member of the royal family, Marie has not carried out a public engagement in three months, which is *rather* unusual for a Romanian royal living in the country. Currently, nothing has been announced by the Royal Household as to why Mia, as the princess is known en famille, has ceased to carry out duties on behalf of Casa Regala. It is possible that the Custodian of the Crown, Mia's godmother, has decided that the princess should no longer have a public profile. If this is the case, then there are shades of botched and unfortunate removals of other members of the Romanian royal family in recent history.
Princess Marie, Princess Sophie, Prince Radu, and Custodian of the Crown Margarita await the return of the remains of Queen Mother Helen at Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport. (18 October 2019) (c) SILVIU MATEI / AGERPRES FOTO
Princess Marie pays tribute to Queen Mother Helen at Curtea de Arges; her nephew Prince Nicholas stands behind her. 
(18 October 2019)
Princess Marie attends the religious service for the reburial of Queen Mother Helen at Curtea de Arges. (19 October 2019) (c) SILVIU MATEI / AGERPRES FOTO 
Princess Marie attends the religious service for the reburial of Queen Mother Helen at Curtea de Arges. (19 October 2019) (c) SILVIU MATEI / AGERPRES FOTO
The last public event that Princess Marie attended were commemorations held on 25 October to mark the anniversary of the birth of her father, King Michael. Before that, the princess had attended the reburial of her grandmother Queen Mother Helen of Romania. The reburial of the Queen Mother took place between 18-19 October 2019. The reburial of Queen Mother Helen was attended by Custodian of the Crown Margarita, Prince Radu, Princess Sophie, Princess Marie, Prince Nicholas, and Princess Alina-Maria. Mia has not been since in public since then. Marie missed the thirtieth anniversary celebrations of the return of the Royal Family in January 2020. She was also absent from the Christmas celebrations at Săvârșin, which Mia has always attended since she moved to Romania several years ago.
Prince Nicholas, Crown Princess Margarita, Prince Radu, and Princess Marie on the balcony of Elisabeta Palace. (10 May 2015) (c) SILVIU MATEI / AGERPRES FOTO
Marie of Romania attends a concert in memory of 100 years since the death of Queen Elisabeth of Romania. (20 February 2016) (c) SORIN LUPSA / AGERPRES FOTO
The princess takes part in the funeral of her father King Michael (Mihai) of Romania. (16 December 2017) (c) GRIGORE POPESCU / AGERPRES FOTO
The Garden Party at Elisabeta Palace. Left to right: Alexander Nixon, Princess Helen, Custodian of the Crown Margarita, Prince Radu, and Princess Marie. (10 May 2018) (c) SILVIU MATEI / AGERPRES FOTO
In 2015, Princess Marie moved from the United States, where she had lived for some decades, to live in Romania full-time. This transition was done at the request of her sister Margarita, who desired that Marie became an active member of the royal family in the country. Over the past four years since then, Princess Marie has carried out a large number of engagements on behalf of the royal house.
Princess Marie with former Romanian President Emil Constantinescu at a function in Bucharest. (2 October 2018) Photo (c) CRISTIAN NISTOR / AGERPRES
One wonders if this will be a permanent farewell to yet another high profile member of the Romanian Royal House. Only time will tell...